Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Investment Arbitral Award in Québec: Zhongshan Fucheng Industrial Investment Co. Ltd. v. Federal Republic of Nigeria – #76 

It’s getting warmer outside. People are starting to talk about their summer plans. I have been enjoying drafting argumentation plans for numerous trials and hearings in the Québec courts in the last few months. I am also getting some precious opportunities to draft Notice of Application, Statement of Claim and Notice of Motion for some litigation files in Ontario, a common law jurisdiction.  

Last weekend, when I was sipping on my coffee beside the windows, I happened to read the judgment rendered by the Honorable Chantal Corriveau, J.S.C. on Zhongshan Fucheng Industrial Investment Co. Ltd. c. Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2024 QCCS 988 and the judgment rendered by the Honorable David R. Collier, J.S.C. Zhongshan Fucheng Industrial Investment Co. Ltd. c. Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2023 QCCS 791. These two judgments show us how the Québec judiciary facilitates the execution of a foreign investment arbitral award, Zhongshan Fucheng v. Nigeria, rendered by a three-arbitrators tribunal in London, United Kingdom on March 26, 2021. These judgments also bring us to revisit the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, also known as the “New York Arbitration Convention” and State Immunity Act, RSC 1985, c S-18.  

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L’affaire Gree Electric Appliances of Zhuhai: Les parties sont renvoyées au processus d’arbitrage devant être tenu en Chine à cause d’une clause compromissoire parfaite dans le contrat de commission — # 66

Cet article vise à résumer un jugement rendu par la Cour supérieure du Québec, district de Longueuil en 2017 concernant une demande en exception déclinatoire fondée sur une clause d’arbitrage dans le Contrat de commission (7847866 Canada inc. c. Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai, 2017 QCCS 1723). Le contrat accorde à la demanderesse la distribution exclusive de produits de climatisation de la défenderesse pour l’ensemble du Canada avec utilisation de la marque de commerce « Gree », qui est bien connue en Chine comme « 格力电器 ».

Cette décision nous rappelle que 1) en employant le verbe « renvoyer » à l’article 622 du Code de procédure civile du Québec (ci-après « C.p.c. »), le législateur du Québec a signalé que le tribunal n’a aucun pouvoir discrétionnaire de refuser de renvoyer l’affaire à l’arbitrage à la demande de l’une des parties, lorsque les conditions requises sont remplies ; 2) une clause d’arbitrage est une clause  compromissoire parfaite, lorsque la clause prévoit que les parties s’obligent à l’avance à soumettre à l’arbitrage les litiges qui pourraient naître relativement à leur contrat et implique que la sentence rendue sera finale et liera les parties (Zodiak International c. Polish People’s Republic, [1983] 1 RCS 529).

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The Recognition and Enforcement of a CIETAC Arbitral Award in Canada: China Yantai Friction Co. Ltd. v. Novalex Inc., 2021 ONSC 7714 – #65

While the Omicron variant of COVID-19 spread continues, I have spent most of my time at home reading books, cooking delicious and healthy food, playing the piano and doing workout during the Christmas holiday. Of course, I watch Netflix from time to time. One day, when I was surfing the web, I read a recent Ontario Superior Court of Justice’s decision on the recognition and enforcement of a CIETAC arbitral award (China Yantai Friction Co. Ltd. v. Novalex Inc., 2021 ONSC 7714). I would like to share my case summary of this court decision here. I believe the readers would be happy to learn from this post that a) a foreign arbitral award creditor will not be ordered by Canadian courts to post security for costs simply by virtue of being a non-resident seeking to recognize and enforce an arbitral award in Canada; b) Canada is a country with arbitration-friendly jurisdictions and the Canadian courts respect the principles of international arbitration and cherish their relationship with the courts and tribunals of other countries (See also Specter Aviation c. Laprade, 2021 QCCA 1811).

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An Olympian’s Doping Offense: Staking an Entire Athletic Career on Being Correct on Disputed Doping Test when the Issue is Complex and Contentious is a Huge and Foolish Gamble! – #60

While I am watching the Tokyo Olympic Games and cheering for the Olympians these days, I have spent some time in reading the 88-page Court of Arbitration for Sport’s (“CAS”) award on Sun Yang’s (”Athlete”) doping offense case rendered on June 22, 2021 (CAS 2019/A/6148 World Anti-Doping Agency v. Mr Sun Yang & Fédération Internationale de Natation (FINA)). The Athlete is sanctioned with a period of ineligibility of 4 years and 3 months, beginning on 28 February 2020 according to the 2021 FINA Doping Control Rules (“FINA DC”) based on the principle of lex mitior.  This article summarizes tribunal’s analysis of the following question: Did the Athlete commit an anti-doping rule violation?

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Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Award: Maritime Court of China Recognized and Enforced a Singaporean Award which Awarded Interest that the Party Did Not Claim – #47

Factual Background

On 14 September 2014, Emphor FZCO (“Emphor”) signs a shipbuilding contract (“Shipbuilding Contract”) with Guangdong Yuexin Ocean Engineering Co., Ltd. (“Yuexin”) for the purchase of a 60.6 meters anchor handling tug supply vessel. They agree that Yuexin should fulfil its delivery obligations on or before March 3, 2016 and that if Yuexin fails to fulfill its delivery obligations due to the force majeure, Emphor can terminate the contract after an excessively delayed delivery of over 210 calendar days. As a consequence, Yuexin should refund all payment for bookings and pay the interests at an annual rate of 6%.

On December 3, 2013, their Contract comes into effect.

On October 10, 2016, as Yuexin fails to fulfil its delivery obligations, Emphor notifies Yuexin that Emphor is going to terminate the contract. Moreover, Emphor also requests Yuexin to refund US$ 2,780,000 that Emphor has prepaid for the vessel and the interests to Emphor.

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Débats de juridictions : Les tribunaux québécois ont-ils compétence pour prononcer le divorce des parties qui se marient dans un autre pays ? – #46

Je travaille au sein d’un cabinet d’avocats qui se consacre au droit international de la famille depuis 1957. Notre équipe à Montréal a joué et continue de jouer un rôle important dans l’évolution du droit international privé impliquant diverses juridictions et, par extension, l’application des lois étrangères. Cet article vise à introduire brièvement l’application de l’article 3135 du Code civil du Québec en droit de la famille. Il est important de noter que les faits suivants sont fictifs et ont été créés par l’auteur afin d’établir un contexte pour l’analyse.

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疫情加速网上庭审时代来临,参与模拟仲裁庭炼就网上庭辩技能 — 记加拿大资深仲裁员Daniel Urbas和Julie Hopkins组织的模拟网上仲裁庭系列活动 – #45


2020年4月至10月期间,笔者协助加拿大资深仲裁员Daniel Urbas律师和Julie Hopkins律师组织了模拟网上仲裁庭系列活动。这个系列活动旨在锻炼网上庭辩技能,了解参与网上庭审所需设备和注意事项,找寻将视讯软件(videoconference platforms)各项功能与法律执业传统技能融合的办法。该系列活动吸引了来自温哥华,多伦多,蒙特利尔,卡尔加里,渥太华,休斯顿,纽约,芝加哥,波士顿,华盛顿等资深仲裁员和律师参加。他们都是各自法域里的律界翘楚,他们都熟练掌握律师执业传统技能,如法律文书写作,庭审开庭陈词,结案陈词,盘问证人等。通过该系列活动,我也有幸与Daniel Urbas仲裁员和Julie Hopkins仲裁员一同,观摩,探讨,学习,锻炼网上庭辩技能。

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The CISG Governs the Sale of Computer Graphic Cards Contract While the Quebec Law Determines the Weight to be Given to Evidence by the Court – #38

The China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) is hosting the 18th CIETAC Cup Commercial Arbitration Moot Competition in November 2020. I am going to participate in this online arbitration competition as an arbitrator. This year, the Problem concerns the applicability of United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (“CISG”) on the purchase and license agreement on the viral sectors for the production of vaccines against respiratory diseases, such as COVID-19. Out of curiosity, I have read a recent decision of Superior Court of Quebec to learn how the Quebec courts use CISG and domestic laws to decide “whether or not to award damages and, if so, for what amount” in the disputes arising out of a sale contract of the computer graphic cards between the multinational companies. The Court notes that while the CISG governs the sale of computer graphic cards contract, the rules applicable to evidence in this case are in the Book Seven of the Civil Code of Quebec.

Key Facts

In early 1998, the Plaintiff purchased the Defendant’s graphic cards for new Kayak and Vectra personal computers. The worldwide Business Desktop Division (“BDD”) of the Plaintiff operates primarily in Grenoble, France.

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Cao v. Chen: Should the Chinese Judgment be recognized by British Columbia Court? – WriteToLearn Notes

A court enforcing a foreign judgment is enforcing the obligation created by that judgment (Pro Swing Inc. v. Elta Golf Inc. 2006 SCC 52). The principle of the separation of judicial systems reminds us that as long as the foreign court has jurisdiction to adjudicate the dispute, absent evidence of fraud or a judgment contrary to natural justice or public policy, the enforcing court is not interested in the substantive or procedural law of the foreign jurisdiction (para. 89 of Pro Swing Inc. v. Elta Golf Inc. 2006 SCC 52). This article summarizes the reasoning of the Supreme Court of British Columbia on Cao v. Chen2020 BCSC 735 on the matter of the recognition and enforcement of a Chinese judgment on family matters.

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